What can the eyes tell us about atypical sexual preferences as a function of sex and age? Linking eye movements with child-related chronophilias


Vásquez-Amézquita Milena123,Leongómez Juan David1,Salvador Alicia2,Seto Michael C4


1. Faculty of Psychology, Universidad El Bosque , Bogotá, Colombia

2. Laboratory of Social Cognitive Neuroscience, IDOCAL, University of Valencia Department of Psychobiology, , Valencia, Spain

3. Faculty of Human and Social Sciences, Universidad de la Costa Department of Social Sciences, , Barranquilla, Colombia

4. Royal Ottawa HealthCare Group Forensic Research Unit, , Ottawa, ON , Canada


Abstract Visual attention plays a central role in current theories of sexual information processing and is key to informing the use of eye-tracking techniques in the study of typical sexual preferences and more recently, in the study of atypical preferences such as pedophilia (prepubescent children) and hebephilia (pubescent children). The aim of this theoretical-empirical review is to connect the concepts of a visual attention-based model of sexual arousal processing with eye movements as indicators of atypical sexual interests, to substantiate the use of eye-tracking as a useful indirect measure of sexual preferences according to sex and age of the stimuli. Implications for research are discussed in terms of recognizing the value, scope and limitations of eye-tracking in the study of pedophilia and other chronophilias in males and females, and the generation of new hypotheses using this type of indirect measure of human sexual response.


Universidad El Bosque Vice-rectory of Research


Oxford University Press (OUP)


Psychiatry and Mental health,Physical and Theoretical Chemistry,Anthropology,Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous),Pathology and Forensic Medicine,Analytical Chemistry








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