Linking Personalized Brain Atrophy to Schizophrenia Network and Treatment Response


Ji Gong-Jun12345,Zalesky Andrew6,Wang Yingru1234,He Kongliang3457,Wang Lu1234,Du Rongrong1234,Sun Jinmei1234,Bai Tongjian1234,Chen Xingui1234,Tian Yanghua12345,Zhu Chunyan12345,Wang Kai12345


1. Department of Neurology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University, The School of Mental Health and Psychological Sciences, Anhui Medical University , Hefei, 230032 , China

2. Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Hefei Comprehensive National Science Center , Hefei, 230088 , China

3. Anhui Province Key Laboratory of Cognition and Neuropsychiatric Disorders , Hefei, 230032 , China

4. Collaborative Innovation Center of Neuropsychiatric Disorders and Mental Health , Anhui Province, 230032 , China

5. Anhui Institute of Translational Medicine , Hefei, 230032 , China

6. Departments of Psychiatry and Biomedical Engineering, Melbourne Neuropsychiatry Centre, The University of Melbourne , Victoria, 3010 , Australia

7. Department of Psychiatry, Anhui Mental Health Center , Hefei, 230022 , China


Abstract Background and Hypothesis Schizophrenia manifests with marked heterogeneity in both clinical presentation and underlying biology. Modeling individual differences within clinical cohorts is critical to translate knowledge reliably into clinical practice. We hypothesized that individualized brain atrophy in patients with schizophrenia may explain the heterogeneous outcomes of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS). Study Design The magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data of 797 healthy subjects and 91 schizophrenia patients (between January 1, 2015, and December 31, 2020) were retrospectively selected from our hospital database. The healthy subjects were used to establish normative reference ranges for cortical thickness as a function of age and sex. Then, a schizophrenia patient’s personalized atrophy map was computed as vertex-wise deviations from the normative model. Each patient’s atrophy network was mapped using resting-state functional connectivity MRI from a subgroup of healthy subjects (n = 652). In total 52 of the 91 schizophrenia patients received rTMS in a randomized clinical trial (RCT). Their longitudinal symptom changes were adopted to test the clinical utility of the personalized atrophy map. Results The personalized atrophy maps were highly heterogeneous across patients, but functionally converged to a putative schizophrenia network that comprised regions implicated by previous group-level findings. More importantly, retrospective analysis of rTMS-RCT data indicated that functional connectivity of the personalized atrophy maps with rTMS targets was significantly associated with the symptom outcomes of schizophrenia patients. Conclusions Normative modeling can aid in mapping the personalized atrophy network associated with treatment outcomes of patients with schizophrenia.


National Natural Science Foundation of China

Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars of Anhui Province

Collaborative Innovation Center of Neuropsychiatric Disorders and Mental Health of Anhui Province

Youth Top-notch Talent Support Program of Anhui Medical University



Oxford University Press (OUP)


Psychiatry and Mental health

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