Establishment and characterization of oviductal organoids from farm and companion animals


Lawson Edwina F1,Ghosh Arnab234,Blanch Victoria234,Grupen Christopher G5,Aitken Robert John1,Lim Rebecca34,Drury Hannah R34,Baker Mark A14,Gibb Zamira1,Tanwar Pradeep S234


1. Priority Research Centre for Reproductive Science, University of Newcastle , Callaghan, NSW , Australia

2. Global Centre for Gynaecological Diseases, University of Newcastle , Callaghan, NSW , Australia

3. School of Biomedical Sciences and Pharmacy, University of Newcastle , Callaghan, NSW , Australia

4. Hunter Medical Research Institute , Newcastle, NSW , Australia

5. Sydney School of Veterinary Science, Faculty of Science, University of Sydney , Camden, NSW , Australia


Abstract Organoid technology has provided a unique opportunity to study early human development and decipher various steps involved in the pathogenesis of disease. The technology is already used in clinics to improve human patient outcomes. However, limited knowledge of the methodologies required to establish organoid culture systems in domestic animals has slowed the advancement and application of organoid technology in veterinary medicine. This is particularly true for the field of reproduction and the application of assisted reproductive technologies (ART). Here, we have developed a platform to grow oviductal organoids from five domestic species—bovine, porcine, equine, feline, and canine. The organoids were grown progressively from single cells derived from the enzymatic digestion of freshly collected infundibular/fimbrial samples. The addition of WNT, TGFβ, BMP, ROCK, and Notch signaling pathway activators or inhibitors to the organoid culture medium suggested remarkable conservation of the molecular signals involved in oviductal epithelial development and differentiation across species. The gross morphology of organoids from all the domestic species was initially similar. However, some differences in size, complexity, and growth rate were subsequently observed and described. After 21 days, well-defined and synchronized motile ciliated cells were observed in organoids. Histopathologically, oviductal organoids mimicked their respective native tissue. In summary, we have carried out a detailed cross-species comparison of oviductal organoids, which would be valuable in advancing our knowledge of oviduct physiology and, potentially, help in increasing the success of ART.


NHMRC Career Development Fellowship

Australian Research Council


Oxford University Press (OUP)


Cell Biology,General Medicine,Reproductive Medicine

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