Infant and Toddler Responses to Bitter-Tasting Novel Vegetables: Findings from the Good Tastes Study


Johnson Susan L1ORCID,Moding Kameron J2,Grimm Kevin J3,Flesher Abigail E1,Bakke Alyssa J45,Hayes John E4


1. Department of Pediatrics University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO, USA

2. Department of Human Development & Family Studies, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA

3. Department of Psychology, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA

4. Sensory Evaluation Center, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA

5. Department of Food Science, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA


ABSTRACT Background Infants are born with the biological predisposition to reject bitterness. Dark green vegetables contain essential nutrients but also bitter compounds, making them more difficult to like. Objective The Good Tastes Study was designed to determine whether reducing bitterness by adding small amounts of sugar or salt would alter infant acceptance of kale purées. Methods Caregivers (n = 106, 94% mothers, 82% Non-Hispanic White) and children (53% male, aged 6–24 mo) participated in a videorecorded laboratory visit during which infants were offered 4 versions of puréed kale: plain, 1.2% or 1.8% added sugar, or 0.2% added salt. Caregivers rated their children's liking for each kale version. Videos were coded for the number of tastes accepted and for children's behaviors and acceptance of each kale version. A multilevel ordered logistic model was fit for the number of accepted tastes and caregiver ratings of child liking of kale versions with age, breastfeeding history, order effects, and kale version as predictors. Results Infants 6 to <12 mo accepted more tastes (b = 2.911, P < 0.001) and were rated by caregivers as liking the kale more than older toddlers (≥18 mo; b = 1.874, P = 0.014). The plain kale was more likely to be accepted (P < 0.001); also, the first version offered was more likely to be rejected (b = −0.586, P < 0.007). Older infants (≥18 mo) exhibited more avoidant behaviors (b = 1.279, P < 0.001), more playing (b = 2.918, P < 0.001), and more self-feeding (b = 1.786, P = 0.005) than younger infants (6 to <12 mo). Children who were reported to have been breastfed more in the last 7 d were more likely to self-feed (b = 0.246, P < 0.001) and play with food (b = 0.207, P < 0.005). Conclusions Our findings support that there may be a sensitive period, during the early phase of complementary feeding, to improve success of introducing a novel, bitter, more difficult-to-like food. When low levels of sugar or salt were added, no advantage of bitterness reduction was observed. This study has been registered with as NCT04549233.






USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture



Oxford University Press (OUP)


Nutrition and Dietetics,Medicine (miscellaneous)







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