Cardiac sarcoidosis: phenotypes, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis


Lehtonen Jukka1ORCID,Uusitalo Valtteri2ORCID,Pöyhönen Pauli1ORCID,Mäyränpää Mikko I3ORCID,Kupari Markku1ORCID


1. Heart and Lung Center, Helsinki University Central Hospital and University of Helsinki , Haartmaninkatu 4, 00290 Helsinki , Finland

2. Clinical Physiology and Nuclear Medicine, Helsinki University Central Hospital and University of Helsinki , Haartmaninkatu 4, 00290 Helsinki , Finland

3. Department of Pathology, University of Helsinki and Helsinki University Hospital , Haartmaninkatu 3C, 00290 Helsinki , Finland


Abstract Cardiac sarcoidosis (CS) results from epithelioid cell granulomas infiltrating the myocardium and predisposing to conduction disturbances, ventricular tachyarrhythmias, and heart failure. Manifest CS, however, constitutes only the top of an iceberg as advanced imaging uncovers cardiac involvement 4 to 5 times more commonly than what is clinically detectable. Definite diagnosis of CS requires myocardial biopsy and histopathology, but a sufficient diagnostic likelihood can be achieved by combining extracardiac histology of sarcoidosis with clinical manifestations and findings on cardiac imaging. CS can appear as the first or only organ manifestation of sarcoidosis or on top of pre-existing extracardiac disease. Due to the lack of controlled trials, the care of CS is based on observational evidence of low quality. Currently, the treatment involves corticosteroid-based, tiered immunosuppression to control myocardial inflammation with medical and device-based therapy for symptomatic atrioventricular block, ventricular tachyarrhythmias, and heart failure. Recent outcome data indicate 90% to 96% 5-year survival in manifest CS with the 10-year figures ranging from 80% to 90%. Major progress in the care of CS awaits the key to its molecular–genetic pathogenesis and large-scale controlled clinical trials.


The Finnish Medical Foundation

Finnish government grant

Aarne Koskelo’s foundation

Finnish Foundation for Cardiovascular Research


Oxford University Press (OUP)


Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine

Reference176 articles.

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