Risk-based versus GFR threshold criteria for nephrology referral in chronic kidney disease


Oliva-Damaso Nestor1ORCID,Delanaye Pierre23ORCID,Oliva-Damaso Elena4,Payan Juan1,Glassock Richard J5


1. Department of Medicine, Division of Nephrology, Hospital Costa del Sol , Marbella, Malaga, Spain

2. Department of Nephrology-Dialysis-Transplantation, University of Liege, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Sart Tilman , ULgCHU, Liege, Belgium

3. Department of Nephrology-Dialysis-Apheresis , Hôpital Universitaire Carémeau, Nîmes, France

4. Department of Medicine, Division of Nephrology, Hospital Universitario Doctor Negrin , Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain

5. Department of Medicine, Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA , Los Angeles, CA, USA


Abstract Chronic kidney disease (CKD) and kidney failure are global health problems associated with morbidity, mortality and healthcare costs, with unequal access to kidney replacement therapy between countries. The diversity of guidelines concerning referral from primary care to a specialist nephrologist determines different outcomes around the world among patients with CKD where several guidelines recommend referral when the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is <30 mL/min/1.73 m2 regardless of age. Additionally, fixed non-age-adapted diagnostic criteria for CKD that do not distinguish correctly between normal kidney senescence and true kidney disease can lead to overdiagnosis of CKD in the elderly and underdiagnosis of CKD in young patients and contributes to the unfair referral of CKD patients to a kidney specialist. Non-age-adapted recommendations contribute to unnecessary referral in the very elderly with a mild disease where the risk of death consistently exceeds the risk of progression to kidney failure and ignore the possibility of effective interventions of a young patient with long life expectancy. The opportunity of mitigating CKD progression and cardiovascular complications in young patients with early stages of CKD is a task entrusted to primary care providers who are possibly unable to optimally accomplish guideline-directed medical therapy for this purpose. The shortage in the nephrology workforce has classically led to focused referral on advanced CKD stages preparing for kidney replacement, but the need for hasty referral to a nephrologist because of the urgent requirement for kidney replacement therapy in advanced CKD is still observed and changes are required to move toward reducing the kidney failure burden. The Kidney Failure Risk Equation (KFRE) is a novel tool that can guide wiser nephrology referrals and impact patients.


Oxford University Press (OUP)



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