Reproductive biology of Gazella arabica: predictors of offspring weight and short- and long-term offspring survival


Martin Ryan A1ORCID,Riesch Rüdiger23ORCID,Plath Martin4,Al Hanoosh Naif A5,Wronski Torsten6ORCID


1. Department of Biology, DeGrace Hall, Case Western Reserve University , Cleveland, OH , USA

2. Department of Biological Sciences, Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Behaviour, Royal Holloway University of London , Egham, Surrey , UK

3. CEFE, CNRS, Univ Montpellier, EPHE, IRD , Montpellier , France

4. College of Nursing of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo , Avenida Bandeirantes 3900, 14040-902 , Brazil

5. National Center for Wildlife, King Khalid Wildlife Research Center , Thumamah , Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

6. Faculty of Science, School of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University , Liverpool , UK


Abstract Reproductive traits are central to organismal fitness, and so the factors influencing patterns of reproduction and offspring survival are at the heart of biology. Making use of breeding data collected over 16 years at the King Khalid Wildlife Research Centre in Saudi Arabia, we investigated the reproductive biology of Arabian gazelles Gazella arabica. Offspring survival was mainly a function of birth weight, with heavier offspring having higher survival rates than lighter offspring. However, while sons were heavier than daughters, daughters had higher survival rates. We could not find evidence that giving birth to sons negatively impacts offspring weight in the following year. We uncovered large narrow-sense heritability (h2) in offspring weight at birth, while maternal effects (m2) on birth weight were of lesser importance. However, maternal effects on offspring survival were strong until weaning age, while paternal effects dominated survival to sexual maturity and first reproduction. We propose that variation in maternal postnatal care might overshadow the effects of maternal inheritance of birth weights, while the overall strong heritability of weight at birth and the paternal effects on survival illustrates strong variance in sire fitness based on genetic quality, suggesting a role for sexual selection by female mate choice in wild populations.


National Centre for Wildlife

King Khalid Wildlife Research Centre


Oxford University Press (OUP)


Animal Science and Zoology

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