From organic and inorganic phosphates to valvular and vascular calcifications


Bäck Magnus123ORCID,Michel Jean-Baptiste4ORCID


1. Division of Valvular and Coronary Disease, Department of Cardiology, Karolinska University Hospital, 141 86 Stockholm, Sweden

2. Department of Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden

3. University of Lorraine, Nancy University Hospital, INSERM U1116, Nancy, France

4. UMR 1148, Inserm-Paris University, X. Bichat Hospital, Paris, France


Abstract Calcification of the arterial wall and valves is an important part of the pathophysiological process of peripheral and coronary atherosclerosis, aortic stenosis, ageing, diabetes, and chronic kidney disease. This review aims to better understand how extracellular phosphates and their ability to be retained as calcium phosphates on the extracellular matrix initiate the mineralization process of arteries and valves. In this context, the physiological process of bone mineralization remains a human model for pathological soft tissue mineralization. Soluble (ionized) calcium precipitation occurs on extracellular phosphates; either with inorganic or on exposed organic phosphates. Organic phosphates are classified as either structural (phospholipids, nucleic acids) or energetic (corresponding to phosphoryl transfer activities). Extracellular phosphates promote a phenotypic shift in vascular smooth muscle and valvular interstitial cells towards an osteoblast gene expression pattern, which provokes the active phase of mineralization. A line of defense systems protects arterial and valvular tissue calcifications. Given the major roles of phosphate in soft tissue calcification, phosphate mimetics, and/or prevention of phosphate dissipation represent novel potential therapeutic approaches for arterial and valvular calcification.


Swedish Research Council

French Society of Cardiology

Avenir Foundation


Oxford University Press (OUP)


Physiology (medical),Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine,Physiology

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