Opportunistic Bacteria of Grapevine Crown Galls Are Equipped with the Genomic Repertoire for Opine Utilization


Faist Hanna12ORCID,Ankenbrand Markus J3ORCID,Sickel Wiebke4,Hentschel Ute56,Keller Alexander7ORCID,Deeken Rosalia2


1. Center for Health & Bioresources, Bioresources Unit, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH , Tulln 3430 , Austria

2. Julius-von-Sachs Institute for Biological Sciences, Molecular Plant Physiology and Biophysics, University of Würzburg , Würzburg 97082 , Germany

3. Faculty of Biology, Center for Computational and Theoretical Biology, University of Würzburg , Würzburg 97074 , Germany

4. Institute of Biodiversity, Thuenen-Institute of Biodiversity , Braunschweig 38116 , Germany

5. RD3 Marine Ecology, RU Marine Symbioses, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel , Kiel 24105 , Germany

6. Sektion Biologie, Christian-Albrechts University of Kiel , Kiel 24105 , Germany

7. Cellular and Organismic Networks, Faculty of Biology, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München , Planegg-Martinsried 82152 , Germany


Abstract Young grapevines (Vitis vinifera) suffer and eventually can die from the crown gall disease caused by the plant pathogen Allorhizobium vitis (Rhizobiaceae). Virulent members of A. vitis harbor a tumor-inducing plasmid and induce formation of crown galls due to the oncogenes encoded on the transfer DNA. The expression of oncogenes in transformed host cells induces unregulated cell proliferation and metabolic and physiological changes. The crown gall produces opines uncommon to plants, which provide an important nutrient source for A. vitis harboring opine catabolism enzymes. Crown galls host a distinct bacterial community, and the mechanisms establishing a crown gall–specific bacterial community are currently unknown. Thus, we were interested in whether genes homologous to those of the tumor-inducing plasmid coexist in the genomes of the microbial species coexisting in crown galls. We isolated 8 bacterial strains from grapevine crown galls, sequenced their genomes, and tested their virulence and opine utilization ability in bioassays. In addition, the 8 genome sequences were compared with 34 published bacterial genomes, including closely related plant-associated bacteria not from crown galls. Homologous genes for virulence and opine anabolism were only present in the virulent Rhizobiaceae. In contrast, homologs of the opine catabolism genes were present in all strains including the nonvirulent members of the Rhizobiaceae and non-Rhizobiaceae. Gene neighborhood and sequence identity of the opine degradation cluster of virulent and nonvirulent strains together with the results of the opine utilization assay support the important role of opine utilization for cocolonization in crown galls, thereby shaping the crown gall community.


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

Schweinfurt-Wuerzburg, Germany


Oxford University Press (OUP)


Genetics,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics








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