Fructose Potentiates Bone Loss and Marrow Adipose Tissue Accumulation by Inhibiting Adenosine 5ʹ-Monophosphate-Activated Protein Kinase in Mesenchymal Stem Cells


Yan Ziqi1,Du Juan1,Zhao Rui1,Liu Xu1,Xu Junji1,Guo Lijia2,Liu Yi1ORCID


1. Laboratory of Tissue Regeneration and Immunology and Department of Periodontics, Beijing Key Laboratory of Tooth Regeneration and Function Reconstruction, School of Stomatology, Capital Medical University , Beijing , People’s Republic of China

2. Department of Orthodontics School of Stomatology, Capital Medical University , Beijing , People’s Republic of China


Abstract Increased fructose consumption has been elucidated to contribute to metabolic diseases. Bone is a dynamic organ that undergoes constant remodeling. However, the effects of fructose on bone health are still in dispute. Here, we identified fructose deteriorated bone mineral density while promoting the abundance of bone marrow adipose tissue. Fructose remarkably promoted the bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells’ (BMMSCs) adipogenic commitment at the expense of osteogenic commitment. Fructose boosted the glycolysis of BMMSCs and inhibited phosphorylation of adenosine 5ʹ-monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK), which played a crucial role in bone-fat alteration. Our results suggested that fructose potentiated bone loss and marrow adipose tissue accumulation by suppressing AMPK activation in BMMSCs. Understanding fructose which affected bone metabolism was thus of primary importance in order to establish preventative measures or treatments for this condition.


Beijing Municipal Administration of Hospitals Clinical Medicine Development of Special Funding Support

National Key R&D of Program of China

National Nature Science Foundation of China

Beijing Municipal Administration of Hospitals


Oxford University Press (OUP)


Cell Biology,Developmental Biology,Molecular Medicine

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