Mental Health Family Carer Experiences during COVID-19: A Rapid Scoping Review of the International Literature


Walters Caroline1ORCID,Petrakis Melissa1


1. Department of Social Work, Monash University , Melbourne, VIC, Australia


Abstract Internationally, people experiencing mental health challenges and psychosocial distress faced service disruptions, increased uncertainties and isolation, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Mental health family carers in turn experienced high levels of demand to fill gaps in service responses within a context of fear and uncertainty. A scoping narrative review methodology was undertaken to account for the varying methodologies of studies and the recency of the COVID-19 pandemic. Six databases were searched: Proquest, Ovid, Psych Info, CINAHL, Scopus, WHO COVID-19 database in January 2022. A total of 147 articles were identified, with 19 included in the final review. Findings revealed few studies focused on the experiences of mental health family carers during the pandemic. Studies that elevated mental health family voices identified they were more likely to provide emotional support than other carers, and less likely to receive government income support. Higher distress was present in family carers who lived with people with low independence, supported more than one person and provided higher levels of care. Family carers experienced concerns about—family members becoming infected during hospitalisations, accessing services, inappropriate and early discharges, care provision if family carers became unwell and the need for targeted responses and quality for online services.


Australian Government Research Training Programme


Oxford University Press (OUP)


Social Sciences (miscellaneous),Health (social science)

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1. Participatory research with carers: A systematic review and narrative synthesis;Health Expectations;2023-12-21

2. Who cares for carers?;Gender, Work & Organization;2023-12-18







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