Heart rate: a prognostic factor and therapeutic target in chronic heart failure. The distinct roles of drugs with heart rate-lowering properties


Dobre Daniela1,Borer Jeffrey S.2,Fox Kim3,Swedberg Karl4,Adams Kirkwood F.5,Cleland John G.F.6,Cohen-Solal Alain7,Gheorghiade Mihai8,Gueyffier Francois9,O'Connor Christopher M.10,Fiuzat Mona10,Patak Athul11,Piña Ileana L.12,Rosano Giuseppe13,Sabbah Hani N.14,Tavazzi Luigi15,Zannad Faiez116


1. INSERM; Center of Clinical Investigation 9501; Institut Lorrain du Coeur et des Vaisseaux; CHU Nancy; Université de Lorraine; Nancy France

2. State University of New York Downstate Medical Center; Brooklyn and New York NY USA

3. NHLI; Imperial College; ICMS; Royal Brompton Hospital; London UK

4. Department of Molecular and Clinical Medicine; Sahlgrenska Academy; University of Gothenburg; Gothenburg Sweden

5. Division of Cardiology; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Chapel Hill NC USA

6. Hull York Medical School; University of Hull; UK

7. Cardiology Department and Research Medical Unit INSERM U-942; Hôpital Lariboisière; Université Paris VII Denis Diderot; Paris France

8. Center for Cardiovascular Innovation; Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine; Chicago IL USA

9. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutic Trials; Hospices Civils de Lyon; France

10. Duke University and Duke Clinical Research Institute; Durham NC USA

11. Department of Clinical Pharmacology; Unité INSERM U 1048 and Faculty of Medicine; Toulouse France

12. Division of Cardiology; Albert Einstein College of Medicine; Montefiore Medical Center Bronx; NY USA

13. Cardiovascular Research Unit; IRCCS San Raffaele Roma; Rome Italy

14. Department of Medicine; Henry Ford Hospital; Detroit MI USA

15. Maria Cecilia Hospital; GVM Care and Research; E.S. Health Science Foundation; Cotignola Italy

16. INSERM U961; Université de Lorraine; Nancy France




Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine








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