FlyBase: updates to the Drosophila melanogaster knowledge base


Larkin Aoife1ORCID,Marygold Steven J1ORCID,Antonazzo Giulia1,Attrill Helen1ORCID,dos Santos Gilberto2,Garapati Phani V1,Goodman Joshua L3,Gramates L Sian2ORCID,Millburn Gillian1,Strelets Victor B3,Tabone Christopher J2,Thurmond Jim3,Perrimon Norbert,Gelbart Susan Russo,Agapite Julie,Broll Kris,Crosby Madeline,dos Santos Gilberto,Falls Kathleen,Gramates L Sian,Jenkins Victoria,Longden Ian,Matthews Beverley,Sutherland Carol,Tabone Christopher J,Zhou Pinglei,Zytkovicz Mark,Brown Nick,Antonazzo Giulia,Attrill Helen,Garapati Phani,Larkin Aoife,Marygold Steven,McLachlan Alex,Millburn Gillian,Pilgrim Clare,Ozturk-Colak Arzu,Trovisco Vitor,Kaufman Thomas,Calvi Brian,Goodman Josh,Strelets Victor,Thurmond Jim,Cripps Richard,Lovato TyAnna,


1. Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience, University of Cambridge, Downing Street, Cambridge CB2 3DY, UK

2. The Biological Laboratories, Harvard University, 16 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA

3. Department of Biology, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405, USA


Abstract FlyBase ( is an essential online database for researchers using Drosophila melanogaster as a model organism, facilitating access to a diverse array of information that includes genetic, molecular, genomic and reagent resources. Here, we describe the introduction of several new features at FlyBase, including Pathway Reports, paralog information, disease models based on orthology, customizable tables within reports and overview displays (‘ribbons’) of expression and disease data. We also describe a variety of recent important updates, including incorporation of a developmental proteome, upgrades to the GAL4 search tab, additional Experimental Tool Reports, migration to JBrowse for genome browsing and improvements to batch queries/downloads and the Fast-Track Your Paper tool.


National Institutes of Health

National Human Genome Research Institute

Medical Research Council

UKRI Open Access Block


Oxford University Press (OUP)



Reference37 articles.

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4. JBrowse: a dynamic web platform for genome visualization and analysis;Buels;Genome Biol.,2016

5. Cytoscape.js: a graph theory library for visualisation and analysis;Franz;Bioinformatics,2016







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