Aerobic Exercise Recommendations to Optimize Best Practices in Care After Stroke: AEROBICS 2019 Update


MacKay-Lyons Marilyn1,Billinger Sandra A2,Eng Janice J3,Dromerick Alex4,Giacomantonio Nicholas5,Hafer-Macko Charlene6,Macko Richard7,Nguyen Emily8,Prior Peter9,Suskin Neville10,Tang Ada11,Thornton Marianne12,Unsworth Karen13


1. School of Physiotherapy, Dalhousie University, 5869 University Avenue, Halifax, NS B3H 3J5, Canada; and Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, QEII Health Sciences Centre, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

2. Physical Therapy and Rehab Science, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, Kansas

3. Department of Physical Therapy, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

4. Department of Neurology, Pasquerilla Healthcare Center, Washington, DC

5. Department of Cardiology, QEII Health Sciences Centre, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

6. Department of Neurology, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland

7. Department Neurology, VA Maryland Health Care System, Baltimore, Maryland

8. Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

9. Department of Psychology, St. Joseph's Health Care London, London, Ontario, Canada

10. Department of Cardiology, Western University, London, Ontario, Canada

11. School of Rehabilitation Science, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

12. Champlain Regional Stroke Network, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

13. Department of Cardiac Rehabilitation, St. Joseph's Health Care London, London, Ontario, Canada


Abstract Most stroke survivors have very low levels of cardiovascular fitness, which limits mobility and leads to further physical deconditioning, increased sedentary behavior, and heightened risk of recurrent stroke. Although clinical guidelines recommend that aerobic exercise be a part of routine stroke rehabilitation, clinical uptake has been suboptimal. In 2013, an international group of stroke rehabilitation experts developed a user-friendly set of recommendations to guide screening and prescription—the Aerobic Exercise Recommendations to Optimize Best Practices in Care after Stroke (AEROBICS 2013). The objective of this project was to update AEROBICS 2013 using the highest quality of evidence currently available. The first step was to conduct a comprehensive review of literature from 2012 to 2018 related to aerobic exercise poststroke. A working group of the original consensus panel members drafted revisions based on synthesis. An iterative process was used to achieve agreement among all panel members. Final revisions included: (1) addition of 115 new references to replace or augment those in the original AEROBICS document, (2) rewording of the original recommendations and supporting material, and (3) addition of 2 new recommendations regarding prescription. The quality of evidence from which these recommendations were derived ranged from low to high. The AEROBICS 2019 Update should make it easier for clinicians to screen for, and prescribe, aerobic exercise in stroke rehabilitation. Clinical implementation will not only help to narrow the gap between evidence and practice but also reduce current variability and uncertainty regarding the role of aerobic exercise in recovery after stroke.




Oxford University Press (OUP)


Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation

Reference42 articles.

1. Global burden of stroke;Feigin;Circ Res.,2017

2. Excessive sedentary time during in-patient stroke rehabilitation;Barrett;Top Stroke Rehabil.,2018

3. Cardiorespiratory fitness after stroke: a systematic review;Smith;Int J Stroke.,2012

4. Exercise training for cardiometabolic adaptation after stroke;Ivey;J Cardiopulm Rehabil Prevent.,2008

5. Physical fitness training for stroke patients;Saunders;Cochrane Database Syst Rev.,2016







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