Modulating hierarchical learning by high-definition transcranial alternating current stimulation at theta frequency


Liu Meng1234,Dong Wenshan1234,Wu Yiling1234,Verbeke Pieter5,Verguts Tom5,Chen Qi1234


1. Key Laboratory of Brain , Cognition and Education Sciences, Ministry of Education, , China

2. Guangzhou 510631 , Cognition and Education Sciences, Ministry of Education, , China

3. School of Psychology , Center for Studies of Psychological Application, and Guangdong Key Laboratory of Mental Health and Cognitive Science, , Guangzhou 510631 , China

4. South China Normal University , Center for Studies of Psychological Application, and Guangdong Key Laboratory of Mental Health and Cognitive Science, , Guangzhou 510631 , China

5. Department of Experimental Psychology, Ghent University , B-9000 Ghent , Belgium


Abstract Considerable evidence highlights the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) as a key region for hierarchical (i.e. multilevel) learning. In a previous electroencephalography (EEG) study, we found that the low-level prediction errors were encoded by frontal theta oscillations (4–7 Hz), centered on right DLPFC (rDLPFC). However, the causal relationship between frontal theta oscillations and hierarchical learning remains poorly understood. To investigate this question, in the current study, participants received theta (6 Hz) and sham high-definition transcranial alternating current stimulation (HD-tACS) over the rDLPFC while performing the probabilistic reversal learning task. Behaviorally, theta tACS induced a significant reduction in accuracy for the stable environment, but not for the volatile environment, relative to the sham condition. Computationally, we implemented a combination of a hierarchical Bayesian learning and a decision model. Theta tACS induced a significant increase in low-level (i.e. probability-level) learning rate and uncertainty of low-level estimation relative to sham condition. Instead, the temperature parameter of the decision model, which represents (inverse) decision noise, was not significantly altered due to theta stimulation. These results indicate that theta frequency may modulate the (low-level) learning rate. Furthermore, environmental features (e.g. its stability) may determine whether learning is optimized as a result.


National Science and Technology Innovation 2030 Major Program

National Natural Science Foundation of China

Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation, China

Ghent University Research Council



Oxford University Press (OUP)


Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience,Cognitive Neuroscience

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