Medical preparedness and response for a nuclear or radiological emergency: an assessment study in selected hospitals of the ministry of health across Saudi Arabia


Assiri A. M.,Almalki M.,Shubayr N.ORCID,Alqahtani A.,Darwish R.,Alotaibi F.,Alanazi M.,Alzahrani M.,Alrumyan S.,Alghamdi Y.


This study aimed to assess and improve the preparedness of selected hospitals in Saudi Arabia for nuclear and radiological emergencies. A team of experts developed and issued guidelines for radiation emergency response, selected 21 referral hospitals across the country, provided technical and logistical support, evaluated preparedness and provided recommendations for improvement. An evaluation process with four essential criteria (early detection of accidents, medical response team responsibilities, availability and accessibility of equipment and supplies, and training on the implementation of the emergency plan) and 50 sub-criteria was conducted, and hospitals’ preparedness was assessed. The initial assessment showed that most hospitals had a moderate level of preparedness, with an average overall score of 67.5%. Interventions were implemented through training workshops, guidelines, checklists, and feedback. The follow-up assessment showed that the intervention was highly effective in enhancing the preparedness of all hospitals, with an average overall score of 99.1%. All hospitals achieved the benchmark of 80% or higher in all four aspects, with 14 hospitals scoring 100% and the remaining seven hospitals requiring further technical support. The study concluded that the intervention was successful in improving the preparedness of health facilities for nuclear and radiological emergencies and recommended continuous monitoring and evaluation to maintain the high level of readiness.


Jazan University


EDP Sciences


Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Waste Management and Disposal,Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality,Nuclear Energy and Engineering,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment

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