Effects of Neural Progenitor Cell Transplantation in Children with Severe Cerebral Palsy


Luan Zuo1,Liu Weipeng1,Qu Suqing1,Du Kan1,He Sheng2,Wang Zhaoyan1,Yang Yinxiang1,Wang Caiying1,Gong Xiaojun1


1. Department of Pediatrics, Navy General Hospital, Beijing, P.R. China

2. Department of Ultrasound Diagnosis, Navy General Hospital, Beijing, P.R. China


Cerebral palsy (CP) is a chronic nervous system disease that severely damages the physical and developmental health of children. Traditional treatment brings about only improvement of mild to moderate CP, but severe CP still lacks effective interventions. To explore safety and efficacy of using neural progenitor cells (NPCs) to treat CP in children, we performed NPC transplantation in 45 patients with severe CP by injecting NPCs derived from aborted fetal tissue into the lateral ventricle. Gross motor function measures (GMFM), the Peabody Developmental Motor Scale-Fine Motor (PDMS-FM) test, and a unified survey questionnaire designed specifically for children with CP were used to evaluate neurological function of the patients. Motor development was significantly accelerated within the first month after cell transplantation, but the rate of improvement gradually slowed to preoperative levels. However, after 1 year, the developmental level in each functional sphere (gross motor, fine motor, and cognition) of the treatment group was significantly higher compared to the control group. No delayed complications of this therapy were noted. These results suggest that NPC transplantation is a safe and effective therapeutic method for treating children with severe CP.


SAGE Publications


Transplantation,Cell Biology,Biomedical Engineering








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