The C-terminal tail of CSNAP attenuates the CSN complex


Füzesi-Levi Maria G1,Ben-Nissan Gili1,Listov Dina1,Fridmann Sirkis Yael2,Hayouka Zvi3,Fleishman Sarel1,Sharon Michal1ORCID


1. Department of Biomolecular Sciences, Weizmann Institute of Science

2. Life Sciences Core Facilities, Weizmann Institute of Science

3. Institute of Biochemistry, Food Science and Nutrition, The Robert H Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel


Protein degradation is one of the essential mechanisms that enables reshaping of the proteome landscape in response to various stimuli. The largest E3 ubiquitin ligase family that targets proteins to degradation by catalyzing ubiquitination is the cullin–RING ligases (CRLs). Many of the proteins that are regulated by CRLs are central to tumorigenesis and tumor progression, and dysregulation of the CRL family is frequently associated with cancer. The CRL family comprises ∼300 complexes, all of which are regulated by the COP9 signalosome complex (CSN). Therefore, CSN is considered an attractive target for therapeutic intervention. Research efforts for targeted CSN inhibition have been directed towards inhibition of the complex enzymatic subunit, CSN5. Here, we have taken a fresh approach focusing on CSNAP, the smallest CSN subunit. Our results show that the C-terminal region of CSNAP is tightly packed within the CSN complex, in a groove formed by CSN3 and CSN8. We show that a 16 amino acid C-terminal peptide, derived from this CSN-interacting region, can displace the endogenous CSNAP subunit from the complex. This, in turn, leads to a CSNAP null phenotype that attenuates CSN activity and consequently CRLs function. Overall, our findings emphasize the potential of a CSNAP-based peptide for CSN inhibition as a new therapeutic avenue.


Sagol Institute for Longevity Reserach

Moross PoC

Aharon and Ephraim Katzir Memorial Professorial Chair

Dr. Barry Sherman Institute for Medicinal Chemistry


Life Science Alliance, LLC


Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis,Plant Science,Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous),Ecology







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