Pituitary spindle cell oncocytoma: illustrative case


Taka Taha M.1,Yang Chen Yi1,Limbo Joshua N.1,Chan Alvin Y.1,Davies Jordan1,Kuan Edward C.2,Turner Scott G.3,Hsu Frank P. K.1


1. Departments of Neurological Surgery

2. Otolaryngology, and

3. Neuro-Oncology, University of California, Irvine, Orange, California


BACKGROUND Spindle cell oncocytoma (SCO) of the pituitary gland is an extremely rare nonfunctional World Health Organization grade I tumor. SCOs are often misdiagnosed as nonfunctional pituitary adenomas on the basis of preoperative imaging. They are often hypervascular and locally adherent, which increases hemorrhage risk and limits resection, leading to increased risk of recurrence. The authors report a case of SCO treated at their institution and provide a review of the current literature. OBSERVATIONS SCO of the pituitary gland can be a rare cause of progressively growing pituitary tumors that presents similarly to nonfunctional pituitary adenoma. Endoscopic transsphenoidal resection of the tumor by a multidisciplinary team allowed total resection despite local adherence of the tumor. Postoperatively, the patient’s visual symptoms improved with persistence of secondary adrenal insufficiency and secondary hypothyroidism. LESSONS Careful resection is needed due to SCO’s characteristic hypervascularity and strong adherence to minimize local structure damage. Long-term follow-up is recommended due to the tendency for recurrence.


Journal of Neurosurgery Publishing Group (JNSPG)


Management Science and Operations Research,Mechanical Engineering,Energy Engineering and Power Technology








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