Convergence of the arcuate fasciculus and third branch of the superior longitudinal fasciculus with direct cortical stimulation–induced speech arrest area in the anterior ventral precentral gyrus


Zhao Zehao123,Huang Chu-Chung45,Yuan Shiwen16,Zhang Jie123,Lin Ching-Po178,Lu Junfeng123,Duffau Hugues9,Wu Jinsong123


1. Department of Neurosurgery, Huashan Hospital, Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University, Shanghai, China;

2. Shanghai Key Laboratory of Brain Function Restoration and Neural Regeneration, Fudan University, Shanghai, China;

3. Brain Function Laboratory, Neurosurgical Institute of Fudan University, Shanghai, China;

4. Shanghai Key Laboratory of Brain Functional Genomics (Ministry of Education), Institute of Brain and Education Innovation, School of Psychology and Cognitive Science, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China;

5. Shanghai Center for Brain Science and Brain-Inspired Technology, Shanghai, China;

6. Department of Human Behavior and Psychiatry, Butler Hospital, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island;

7. Institute of Science and Technology for Brain-Inspired Intelligence, Fudan University, Shanghai, China;

8. Institute of Neuroscience, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, China; and

9. Department of Neurosurgery, Gui de Chauliac Hospital, Montpellier University Medical Center, Montpellier, France


OBJECTIVE The objective was to identify the correspondence between the anterior terminations of the arcuate fasciculus (AF) and third branch of the superior longitudinal fasciculus (SLF-III) and the intraoperative direct cortical electrical stimulation (DCS)–induced speech arrest area. METHODS The authors retrospectively screened 75 glioma patients (group 1) who received intraoperative DCS mapping in the left dominant frontal cortex. To minimize the influence of tumors or edema, we subsequently selected 26 patients (group 2) with glioma or edema not affecting Broca’s area, the ventral precentral gyrus (vPCG), and the subcortical pathways to generate DCS functional maps and to construct the anterior terminations of AF and SLF-III with tractography. Next, a grid-by-grid pairwise comparison was performed between the fiber terminations and the DCS-induced speech arrest sites to calculate Cohen’s kappa coefficient (κ) in both groups 1 and 2. Finally, the authors also demonstrated the distribution of the AF/SLF-III anterior projection maps obtained in 192 healthy participants (group 3) and subsequently correlated these with the speech arrest sites in group 2 to examine their validity in predicting speech output area. RESULTS The authors found that speech arrest sites were substantially consistent with SLF-III anterior terminations (group 1, κ = 0.64 ± 0.03; group 2, κ = 0.73 ± 0.05) and moderately consistent with AF (group 1, κ = 0.51 ± 0.03; group 2, κ = 0.49 ± 0.05) and AF/SLF-III complex (group 1, κ = 0.54 ± 0.03; group 2, κ = 0.56 ± 0.05) terminations (all p < 0.0001). The DCS speech arrest sites of the group 2 patients mainly (85.1%) emerged at the anterior bank of the vPCG (vPCGa). In group 3, both terminations of AF and SLF-III converged onto the vPCGa, and their terminations well predicted the DCS speech output area of group 2 (AF, area under the curve [AUC] 86.5%; SLF-III, AUC 79.0%; AF/SLF-III complex, AUC 86.7%). CONCLUSIONS This study supports the key role of the left vPCGa as the speech output node by showing convergence between speech output mapping and anterior AF/SLF-III connectivity in the vPCGa. These findings may contribute to the understanding of speech networks and could have clinical implications in preoperative surgical planning.


Journal of Neurosurgery Publishing Group (JNSPG)


Genetics,Animal Science and Zoology

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