Anticipating Mental Health Threats from Artificial Intelligence: Clinical, Social and Legal Perspectives (Preprint)


Hall PeterORCID,MacKillop James,Butt ZahidORCID,Burhan Amer,Sakib Mohammad NazmusORCID,Layton Anita,Cofone Ignacio



The rapid integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into society presents immense opportunities for progress but also poses potential for risks to mental health. This paper explores the possibility and implications of AI contributing to social and mental health challenges while acknowledging its positive potential in various aspects of life. The potential of AI to facilitate aberrant social behaviors, such as hyper-attachment and desocialization, raises concerns about its impact on mental health. Individuals, particularly those with pre-existing mental conditions or even relatively weak social skills, may become overly connected to AI entities, exacerbating social isolation, which is already prevalent under widespread social media use. While AI can foster positive social interactions, its dependence could diminish human-to-human connections, leading to extensive social disconnection. Moreover, easy access to personal information for AI analysis may result in precision harassment and collective privacy loss, posing risks to individuals and society. Integrating medical records with AI also heightens the risk of sensitive information being misused or illegally accessed, contributing to the disruption of social life and poor mental health. Addressing these issues is crucial to prevent potential harm caused by AI's evolution and job displacements in society. The commentary urges systematic consideration of the mental health consequences of AI, calling for regulations and responsible use. It highlights the need for education and collective efforts to minimize adverse effects. By shaping the integration of AI thoughtfully, we can optimize benefits while safeguarding mental well-being. Collaboration among stakeholders is vital to developing comprehensive recommendations and creating a favorable AI-human coexistence.


JMIR Publications Inc.







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