Connecting actors with the introduction of mobile technology in healthcare practice placements (4D Project): Protocol for a mixed methods study (Preprint)


Martínez-Gaitero CarlosORCID,Dennerlein Sebastian MaximilianORCID,Dobrowolska BeataORCID,Fessl AngelaORCID,Moreno-Martínez DanielORCID,Herbstreit StephanieORCID,Peffer GilbertORCID,Cabrera EstherORCID



The learning process in clinical placement for healthcare students is a multifaceted endeavor involving numerous actors and stakeholders as students, clinical tutors, link teachers, and academic assessors. Successfully navigating during this complex process tasks and mentorships must be implemented in a way that is synchronized with educational and clinical processes and well-embedded in the respective contexts. With the increasing number of students, coupled with the growing demand for healthcare service provision from the general population, it is mandatory to develop additional tools to support the learning process, remove complexity from day-to-day clinical practice, and focus solely on value-based activities. This paper presents a project funded by the European Commission where five European countries are involved. It aims to describe all the process of development and finally implementing mobile technology in practice placement. The project addresses this existing gap by building customized mobile applications for students, teachers, tutors, and supervisors of each participant organization through practice-based learning, mobile technology, and technology adoption.


Introducing mobile technology in clinical practice placements to facilitate and enhance practice-based learning, thereby improving the effectiveness of the process for all involved stakeholders.


A mixed methods research design will guide the '4D in the Digitalization of Learning in Practice Placement' (4D Project) comprising three distinct study phases: Phase 1. Preliminary research, involving focus groups and a scoping review, to define the problem, identify necessities, and analyze the contextual factors; Phase 2. Collaborative app development, where researchers and prospective users work together to co-create and co-design tailored applications; and Phase 3. Feasibility testing of these mobile applications within practice settings.


The study's potential impact will center on improving communication and interaction processes, fostering connections among stakeholders in practice placements, and enhancing the assessment of training needs. The literature review and focus group will enable the identification of barriers, facilitators, and factors supporting the integration of mobile technology in clinical education The co-creation process of mobile learning applications will unveil the core values and needs of various stakeholders, including students, teachers, and healthcare professionals, and the adaptation and utilization of mobile applications to suit the specific requirements of practice placements. A pilot study to validate the app will test and assess the mobile technology in practice placements and determine results about usability and design, learning outcomes, student engagement, communication among stakeholders, user behavior, potential issues, and compliance with regulations.


Healthcare education, such as medicine, nursing, midwifery, and others, face evolving challenges in clinical training. Bridging the gap between healthcare institutions and academic settings is essential. The introduction of a new digital tool holds promise for empowering health students and mentors in managing the intricacies of the learning process.


JMIR Publications Inc.







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