Stroke Statistics in Korea: Part II Stroke Awareness and Acute Stroke Care, A Report from the Korean Stroke Society and Clinical Research Center For Stroke


Hong Keun-Sik1,Bang Oh Young2,Kim Jong S.3,Heo Ji Hoe4,Yu Kyung-Ho5,Bae Hee-Joon6,Kang Dong-Wha3,Lee Jin Soo7,Kwon Sun U.3,Oh Chang Wan8,Lee Byung-Chul4,Yoon Byung-Woo9


1. Department of Neurology, Ilsan Paik Hospital, Inje University College of Medicine, Goyang, Korea.

2. Department of Neurology, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.

3. Department of Neurology, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Ulsan, Korea.

4. Department of Neurology, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.

5. Department of Neurology, Hallym University College of Medicine, Aanyang, Korea.

6. Department of Neurology, Bundang Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seongnam, Korea.

7. Department of Neurology, Ajou University School of Medicine, Suwon, Korea.

8. Department of Neurosurgery, Bundang Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seongnam, Korea.

9. Department of Neurology, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.


Korean Stroke Society


Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine,Neurology (clinical)

Reference29 articles.

1. Stroke Statistics in Korea: Part I. Epidemiology and Risk Factors: A Report from the Korean Stroke Society and Clinical Research Center for Stroke

2. Korean Statistical Information Service (KOSIS). Population Projections and Summary Indicator for Korea (Population items). Accessed July 18, 2012.

3. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. OECD Economic Surveys: Korea 2010. OECD Web site. Accessed April 2011.

4. No difference in stroke knowledge between Korean adherents to traditional and western medicine – the AGE study: an epidemiological study







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