A Role for Endogenous Transforming Growth Factor β1 in Langerhans Cell Biology:  The Skin of   Transforming Growth Factor β1 Null Mice Is Devoid of  Epidermal Langerhans Cells


Borkowski Teresa A.1,Letterio John J.1,Farr Andrew G.1,Udey Mark C.1


1. From the Dermatology Branch and the Laboratory of Chemoprevention, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 20892-1908; and the Department of Biological Structure, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195


Transforming growth factor β1 (TGF-β1) regulates leukocytes and epithelial cells. To determine whether the pleiotropic effects of TGF-β1, a cytokine that is produced by both keratinocytes and Langerhans cells (LC), extend to epidermal leukocytes, we characterized LC (the epidermal contingent of the dendritic cell [DC] lineage) and dendritic epidermal T cells (DETC) in TGF-β1 null (TGF-β1 −/−) mice. I-A+ LC were not detected in epidermal cell suspensions or epidermal sheets prepared from TGF-β1 −/− mice, and epidermal cell suspensions were devoid of allostimulatory activity. In contrast, TCR-γδ+ DETC were normal in number and appearance in TGF-β1 −/− mice and, importantly, DETC represented the only leukocytes in the epidermis. Immunolocalization studies revealed CD11c+ DC in lymph nodes from TGF-β1 −/− mice, although gp40+ DC were absent. Treatment of TGF-β1 −/− mice with rapamycin abrogated the characteristic inflammatory wasting syndrome and prolonged survival indefinitely, but did not result in population of the epidermis with LC. Thus, the LC abnormality in TGF-β1 −/− mice is not a consequence of inflammation in skin or other organs, and LC development is not simply delayed in these animals. We conclude that endogenous TGF-β1 is essential for normal murine LC development or epidermal localization.


Rockefeller University Press


Immunology,Immunology and Allergy

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