The study of relationships between clinical syndromes and gene polymorphisms of ACE and AT2R1 genes in patients with chronic vascular encephalopathy


Duve Khrystyna


This article presents the results of the study of relationships between clinical presentation and polymorphism of the ACE and AT2R1 genes in patients with chronic vascular encephalopathy (CVE). The 145 patients with chronic vascular encephalopathy (CVE) were examined in order to analyze the clinical presentation of the disease. The molecular genetic research was performed in 18 patients. After the complete clinical and neurological examination, such frequency of the syndromes was found: cephalalgic (70.34 %), extrapyramidal (60.00 %), vestibular (61.38 %), asthenic (53.79 %) syndromes, and syndrome of cognitive disorders (66.21 %). When assessing the dependence of the clinical syndromes most often found in patients with CVE on the I/D polymorphism of the ACE gene, it was established that 90.91 % of patients with cephalalgic syndrome, 81.82 % of patients with asthenic syndrome, and 90.91 % of patients with extrapyramidal syndrome are carriers of the D/D genotype. In contrast, all patients with the absence of cephalalgic, extrapyramidal, and asthenic syndromes had the I/I ACE gene genotype. No significant correlations were found between the presence/absence of clinical syndromes and the frequency distribution of genotypes and alleles of the A1166C polymorphic variant of the AT2R1 gene in patients with CVE. Key words: encephalopathy, ACE gene polymorphism, AT2R1 gene polymorphism, vascular encephalopathy, chronic brain ischemia


Public Organization Association of Neurologists, Psychiatrists and Narcologists of Ukraine


General Agricultural and Biological Sciences

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