Relationship between perceptual and mechanical markers of fatigue during bench press and bench pull exercises: impact of inter-set rest period length


Janicijevic Danica12ORCID,Miras-Moreno Sergio3ORCID,Morenas-Aguilar Maria Dolores3,Jiménez-Martínez Pablo45,Alix-Fages Carlos456,García-Ramos Amador37ORCID


1. Faculty of Sports Science, Ningbo University, Ningbo, China

2. Research Academy of Human Biomechanics, The Affiliated Hospital of Medical School of Ningbo University, Ningbo, China

3. Department of Physical Education and Sport, Universidad de Granada, Granada, España

4. Research Group in Prevention and Health in Exercise and Sport (PHES), University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain

5. ICEN Institute, Madrid, Spain

6. Applied Biomechanics and Sport Technology Research Group, Autonomous University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain

7. Department of Sports Sciences and Physical Conditioning, Faculty of Education, Universidad Catolica de la Santísima Concepcion, Concepcion, Chile


This study aimed to explore whether the relationship between perceptual (rating of perceived exertion; RPE) and mechanical (maximal number of repetitions completed [MNR], fastest set velocity, and mean velocity decline) variables is affected by the length of inter-set rest periods during resistance training sets not leading to failure. Twenty-three physically active individuals (15 men and eight women) randomly completed 12 testing sessions resulting from the combination of two exercises (bench press and bench pull), three inter-set rest protocols (1, 3, and 5 min), and two minimal velocity thresholds (farther from muscular failure [MVT0.45 for bench press and MVT0.65 for bench pull] and closer to muscular failure [MVT0.35 for bench press and MVT0.55 for bench pull]). The duration of inter-set rest periods did not have a significant impact on RPE values (p ranged from 0.061 to 0.951). Higher proximities to failure, indicated by lower MVTs, were associated with increased RPE values (p < 0.05 in 19 out of 24 comparisons). Moreover, as the number of sets increased, an upward trend in RPE values was observed (p < 0.05 in seven out of 12 comparisons). Finally, while acknowledging some inconsistencies, it was generally observed that higher magnitudes of the mechanical variables, especially MNR (rs < −0.55 in three out of four comparisons), were associated with lower RPE values. These results, which were comparable for the bench press and bench pull exercises, suggest that post-set RPE values are affected by the fatigue experienced at both the beginning and end of the set.




General Agricultural and Biological Sciences,General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology,General Medicine,General Neuroscience







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