Advances in Immunotherapy and Vaccine for Prostate Cancer


Zhou Wei1,Zhang Yikai2


1. No.986 Air Force Hospital, Xi’an City, Shaanxi Province, China.

2. Shaanxi Institute of Medical Device Quality, Xi’an City, Shaanxi Province, China.


Prostate cancer is one of the most common malignant tumors of the urinary system. The incidence of prostate cancer is high in the elderly male patients, which seriously threatens the life and health. In recent years, immunotherapy to activate anti-cancer host immune cells to kill tumors has become a new area of research for the treatment of prostate cancer. As an important component of immunotherapy, cancer vaccines have a unique position in the precise treatment of malignant tumors. There are many types of prostate cancer vaccines, including monocyte vaccines, dendritic cell vaccines, viral vaccines, peptide vaccines, and DNA/mRNA vaccines, etc. As the most important cancer vaccine based on monocytes, it is the only prostate cancer therapeutic vaccine approved by the US Food and Drug Administration at present, which plays an extremely important role in the immunotherapy of prostate cancer. However, due to its own limitations, SipuleucelT has not been widely adopted. Currently, the complexity of immunotherapy and the specificity of prostate cancer mean that other prostate cancer vaccines have not shown expected clinical benefits in large randomized phase II and III trials, and further in-depth studies are still needed.


Asian Medical Press Limited


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science







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