Embolism to the main limb arteries in patients with atrial fibrillation


Mel’nikov M. V.1,Sotnikov A. V.1,Kozhevnikov D. S.1,Solov’yeva M. V.1,Boldueva S. A .1


1. North-Western State Medical University named after I. I. Mechnikov


Introduction. Acute limb ischemia due to embolism in patients with atrial fibrillation remains poorly studied. Objective – to study the clinical significance and role of atrial fibrillation (AF) in the development of embolism to the bifurcation of the aorta and the main arteries of the limbs. Materials and methods. Treatment results of 1816 patients with acute ischemia of the extremities due to embolism treated at a specialized vascular surgical department for the past 30 years were analyzed. 1611 (88.7 %) of them had AF. The distribution into studied groups was according to the period time factor. Group 1 (n = 744) consisted of patients admitted in the period from 1991 to 2000; in group 2 (n = 568) – admitted in the period from 2001 to 2010, in group 3 (n = 299) – from 2011 to 2020. Methods included clinical examination, electrocardiography, Doppler-ultrasound, echocardiography. Results. The role of rheumatic heart disease as a cause of AF has decreased over the past decades by almost 10 times (from 19.5 % in group 1 to 2.0 % in group 3). Currently, the main background diseases for the development of AF are arterial hypertension and various forms of coronary artery disease. Embolism in patients with AF may develop in the arteries of all vascular areas of the systemic circulation, but in the practice of a vascular surgeon more often in the main arteries of minor caliber – the brachial (24.5 %) and popliteal (13.0 %). Multiple embolisms to various vascular areas were found in 2.8 % of patients. Urgent surgical revascularization of the limb by open embolectomy was performed in 1481 (91.9 %) patients that allowed 1348 (83.7 %) to be discharged with limb-sparing. Conclusion. In patients with acute limb ischemia of embologenic ethiology, comorbid AF has 88.7 % of them. Urgent embolectomy allows 83.7 % of patients to be discharged without limb amputation. Hospital mortality in the period 1991–2000 was 15.6 %, the last decade has been reduced to 7.4 %.


FSBEI HE I.P. Pavlov SPbSMU MOH Russia


General Medicine

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