Rats caudal vena cava hemodynamics features in different age periods


Andreeva A. I.1,Telia V. D.1,Ustarova M. G.1


1. Ryazan State Medical University named after Academician I. P. Pavlov


Introduction. Liver hemodynamics age-related features studying is promising area of portal and caudal vena cava and hepsatic artery of rats hemodynamics exploration.Aim was to determine qualitative and quantitative hemodynamic paremeters of the laboratory rats caudal vena cava of different genders and ages.Materials and methods. The study was conducted on 60 mongrel rats (males and females, 120–170 g) divided into three age groups. The first group included 20 rats aged 1 month, the second – 20 rats aged 6–12 months and the third – 20 rats aged more than 18–24 months. The study of caudal vena cava qualitative and quantitative hemodynamic parameters was performed by ultrasound scanners. Animals were anaesthesized by zoletil-xylazine. Digital data were processed by methods of variational statistics.Results. All animals showed the antegrade caudal vena cava blood flow. The spectrum of blood flow differed in the number, shape of teeth and phase. The most animals showed three-phase spectrum not depend on the animals gender and age. The diameter of the vein did not depend on the gender. In the I and II age groups, the predominance of the volumetric blood flow rate in the CPV in males compared with females was within 10 % (R=0.98 and R=0.37, respectively), in the III age group, the relationship was not statistically significant (R=–0.03). The diameter and maximum systolic blood flow velocity in the caudal vena cava increased slightly (within 3 %) with the age of the animals (R=0.64 and R=0.43, respectively). Volumetric blood flow rate decreased within 4 % with increasing age (R=0.42).Conclusion. The spectrum of rats caudal vena cava blood flow differed in the number, shape of waves and phase. In most animals it was three-phase. In all animals the direction of blood flow was antegrade. The phase of the spectrum was not affected by the animals gender and age. There was no statistically significant dependence of the diameter and linear velocity of blood flow on the gender. The volumetric blood flow rate was slightly higher in males (within 10 %) compared to females. The diameter and the maximum systolic blood flow velocity increased slightly (within 3 %) with the age of the animals. The indicator of the volumetric blood flow rate decreased within 4 % with increasing age.


FSBEI HE I.P. Pavlov SPbSMU MOH Russia


General Medicine

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