Histol Histopathol

Review Open Access

Extra-meningeal solitary fibrous tumor: an evolving entity with chameleonic morphological diversity, a hallmark molecular alteration and unresolved issues in risk stratification assessment

Isidro Machado1,2*, Francisco Giner3*, Julia Cruz1, Javier Lavernia4, Ana Marhuenda-Fluixa5, Reyes Claramunt6, José Antonio López-Guerrero6, Samuel Navarro7, Antonio Ferrandez7, Álvaro Blázquez Bujeda8, Amparo Ruiz-Sauri7 and Antonio Llombart-Bosch7

1Pathology Department, Instituto Valenciano de Oncología, 2Patologika Laboratory, Pathology Department, Hospital Quiron-Salud, 3Pathology Department, University Hospital “La Fe”, 4Department of Oncology, 5Department of Radiology, 6Molecular Biology Laboratory, Instituto Valenciano de Oncología, 7Pathology Department, and 8School of Medicine, University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain
*These authors have contributed equally

Corresponding Author: Isidro Machado, MD, PhD, Pathology Department, Instituto Valenciano de Oncología, Valencia. Spain. e-mail: Isidro.machado@uv.es

Summary. Solitary fibrous tumor (SFT) is a rare type of mesenchymal lesion with variable clinical presentation in which specific clinicopathologic factors have been related to patient outcome. SFT shares an important morphologic and immunohistochemical overlap with other sarcomas, hence the differential diagnosis is challenging. Although molecular studies provide significant clues, especially in the differential diagnosis with other neoplasms, a thorough hematoxylin and eosin analysis and the integration of phenotypical, clinical, and radiological features remain an essential tool in SFT diagnosis. In this review, we discuss some emerging issues still under debate in SFT. Histol Histopathol 38, 1079-1097 (2023)

Key words: Non-small cell lung cancer, circTADA2A, miR-214-3p, EIF4A3, MAPK8

DOI: 10.14670/HH-18-608

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