The Use of Shear-Wave Ultrasound Elastography in the Diagnosis and Monitoring of Musculoskeletal Injuries


Horvat Urša,Kozinc Žiga


Ultrasound elastography is a valuable method employed to evaluate tissue stiffness, with shear-wave elastography (SWE) recently gaining significance in various settings. This literature review aims to explore the potential of SWE as a diagnostic and monitoring tool for musculoskeletal injuries. In total, 15 studies were found and included in the review. The outcomes of these studies demonstrate the effectiveness of SWE in detecting stiffness changes in individuals diagnosed with Achilles tendinopathy, Achilles tendon rupture, rotator cuff rupture, tendinosis of the long head of the biceps tendon, injury of the supraspinatus muscle, medial tibial stress syndrome, and patellar tendinopathy. Moreover, SWE proves its efficacy in distinguishing variations in tissue stiffness before the commencement and after the completion of rehabilitation in cases of Achilles tendon rupture and patellar tendinopathy. In summary, the findings from this review suggest that SWE holds promise as a viable tool for diagnosing and monitoring specific musculoskeletal injuries. However, while the field of ultrasound elastography for assessing musculoskeletal injuries has made considerable progress, further research is imperative to corroborate these findings in the future.


Begell House


Biomedical Engineering







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