
Авагян М.Н1,Еганян Г.А1


1. ЕГМУ им. М. Гераци, Курс Альтернативной медицины, Кафедра пропедевтики внутренних болезней


Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection is the cause of many gastroenterological diseases, including chronic active gastritis, peptic ulcer, atrophic gastritis, lymphoma, cancer. In connection with the above, timely diagnosis and treatment of H. pylori is very important. Latest international consensus recommends eradication therapy in all infected in the absence of contraindications. Therefore, literature data on advantages and disadvantages of various detection methods of H. pylori are extremely relevant. Testing is important not only to detect the bacterium, but also to test the effectiveness of the infection treatment. Several tests are currently available to diagnose H. pylori infection. Diagnostic methods can be conditionally divided into direct, in which the pathogen or its genetic material (antigens) determined and indirect, which reveal the metabolic products of microorganism or antibodies in the blood to a bacterium. In addition, methods for detecting H. pylori are divided into invasive and non-invasive. In the presented literature review, we focused on the sensitivity and specificity of different tests, the limitations of some tests, as well as on the latest developments of modern tests which contribute to improving the accuracy of the diagnosis․ And an accurate diagnosis of infection is an important condition for the effective treatment of the, above mentioned, diseases.


Yerevan State Medical University

Reference49 articles.

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