Blocking the IFN‐gamma signal in the choroid plexus confers resistance to experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis


Zheng Yuyin12,Hu Lanxin34,Yang Yuwen34,Zheng Cheng34,Tu Wenzhan12,Lin Haiyan12,Wang Haotian5,Jiang Yiwei5,Jiang Songhe12,Zheng Wu34ORCID


1. Rehabilitation Medicine Center The Second Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University Wenzhou China

2. Integrative & Optimized Medicine Research center, China‐USA Institute for Acupuncture and Rehabilitation Wenzhou Medical University Wenzhou China

3. State Key Laboratory of Ophthalmology, Optometry and Visual Science, Eye Hospital Wenzhou Medical University Wenzhou China

4. The Molecular Neuropharmacology Laboratory and the Eye‐Brain Research Center, School of Ophthalmology & Optometry and Eye Hospital Wenzhou Medical University Wenzhou China

5. Alberta Institute Wenzhou Medical University Wenzhou China


AbstractMultiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease characterized by inflammatory infiltration and demyelination in the central nervous system (CNS). IFN‐gamma (IFN‐γ), a critically important immunomodulator, has been widely studied in MS pathology. The confusing and complex effects of IFN‐γ in MS patients and rodent models, however, cause us to look more closely at its exact role in MS. In this study, we identified the role of the IFN‐γ signaling in the choroid plexus (CP) in the experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) model. We found that the IFN‐γ signal was rapidly amplified when CNS immune cell infiltration occurred in the CP during the progressive stage. Furthermore, using two CP‐specific knockdown strategies, we demonstrated that blocking the IFN‐γ signal via knockdown of IFN‐γR1 in the CP could protect mice against EAE pathology, as evidenced by improvements in clinical scores and infiltration. Notably, knocking down IFN‐γR1 in the CP reduced the local expression of adhesion molecules and chemokines. This finding suggests that IFN‐γ signaling in the CP may participate in the pathological process of EAE by preventing pathological T helper (Th) 17+ cells from infiltrating into the CNS. Finally, we showed that the unbalanced state of IFN‐γ signaling between peripheral lymphocytes and the choroid plexus may determine whether IFN‐γ has a protective or aggravating effect on EAE pathology. Above all, we discovered that IFN‐γR1‐mediated IFN‐γ signaling in the CP was a vital pathway in the pathological process of EAE.


National Natural Science Foundation of China




Genetics,Molecular Biology,Biochemistry,Biotechnology

Reference45 articles.

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