Cyberbullying Definition Among Adolescents: A Comparison Across Six European Countries


Menesini Ersilia1,Nocentini Annalaura1,Palladino Benedetta Emanuela1,Frisén Ann2,Berne Sofia2,Ortega-Ruiz Rosario3,Calmaestra Juan3,Scheithauer Herbert4,Schultze-Krumbholz Anja4,Luik Piret5,Naruskov Karin5,Blaya Catherine6,Berthaud Julien6,Smith Peter K.7


1. Department of Psychology, University of Florence, Florence, Italy.

2. Department of Psychology, Gothenburg University, Gothenburg, Sweden.

3. Department of Psychology, University of Cordoba, Cordoba, Spain.

4. Department of Educational Science and Psychology, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany.

5. Institute of Education, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia.

6. Département des Sciences de l'éducation, IREDU/CNRS UMR 5225– Bourgogne, DIJON Cedex, France.

7. Goldsmiths College–University of London, London, United Kingdom.


Mary Ann Liebert Inc


Computer Science Applications,Human-Computer Interaction,Applied Psychology,Communication,General Medicine,Social Psychology

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