Phonocardiography and cardiotocography allow dynamic monitoring of the fetus in gestational diabetes mellitus


Repina E. S.1,Kosteley Ya. V.2,Isakova E. O.1,Skorohodova T. V.1,Bureev A. Sh.3,Yuriev S. Yu.4


1. Siberian State Medical University

2. Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics; "Diagnostika +", LLC

3. "Diagnostika +", LLC

4. Siberian State Medical University; Perinatal Health Center, LLC


The aim: To compare the adequacy of calculating the parameters of the fetal cardiointervalogram obtained by Doppler and phonography methods from the degree of obesity in a pregnant woman Materials and methods: The study involved 54 pregnant women aged 16 to 42 years, all women are classified as having a high degree of perinatal risk. The gestational age at the time of the study was 27-41 weeks. In 26 women, the course of pregnancy was complicated by gestational diabetes mellitus, in 28 women this diagnosis was absent. The BMI of the study participants ranged from 21 to 35 kg/m2. The cardiotocogram was recorded using Sonicaid Team (Sonicaid Ltd/ Huntleigh Healthcare, UK) and FC 1400 (Bionet, South Korea) devices. Recording of the phonocardiogram was carried out using the FetalCare software and hardware complex (Diagnostics+ LLC, Tomsk). For each study, the time when the simultaneous presence of a heart signal on CTG and FCG averaged 23.7 ± 8.8 minutes. Results: Based on the data obtained from CTG and FCG, the dependence of the percentage of the lost signal (%), the volume of intersections of the graphs (%), the correlation between the CTG and FCG graphs (r,%), the percentage of recording with a deviation of the CTG and FCG graph of less than 12.5 beats/min was calculated (1-RO,%), the absolute difference in the values of the average heart rate (bpm), basal rate (BR, bpm), STV and LTV (ms) from the patient’s body mass index. Conclusion: Phonocardiography is a promising method for long-term continuous monitoring of the fetal heart rate, given the low cost of equipment and absolute safety for mother and fetus. The conducted study proved the possibility of using the FCG method in obese women, a small dependence of the calculated parameters of the cardiointervalogram on the body mass index. It is necessary to continue developments on the creation of new modifications of fetal monitors based on various principles of heart rate recording.


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