Hepatoprotective peptides of the drug Laennec


Torshin Ivan Yu.1ORCID,Gromova Olga A.1ORCID,Tikhonova Olga V.2ORCID,Zgoda Viktor G.2ORCID


1. Federal Research Center “Informatics and Management”, Russian Academy of Sciences

2. V. N. Orekhovich Research Institute of Biomedical Chemistry


Human placenta hydrolysates (HPH) have a pronounced hepatoprotective effect, the molecular mechanisms of which are not well understood. As a result of de novo mass spectrometric sequencing and bioinformatics analysis of peptides, 27 peptides were found in the Laennec HPP preparation, which (1) support inositol phosphate-dependent signaling pathways of hepatocytes, (2) activate the target proteins RARA, AMPK, and (3) inhibit target proteins Notch1, GSK-3, PAK1 and TLR4. By exhibiting anti-inflammatory, antifibrotic, vasodilatory, antiatherosclerotic, and antidiabetic properties, these peptides can make a significant contribution to the hepatoprotective properties of HLP.


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