Retinal Hemorrhage in Abusive Head Trauma


Levin Alex V.1


1. Pediatric Ophthalmology and Ocular Genetics, Wills Eye Institute, and Departments of Ophthalmology and Pediatrics, Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Retinal hemorrhage is a cardinal manifestation of abusive head trauma. Over the 30 years since the recognition of this association, multiple streams of research, including clinical, postmortem, animal, mechanical, and finite element studies, have created a robust understanding of the clinical features, diagnostic importance, differential diagnosis, and pathophysiology of this finding. The importance of describing the hemorrhages adequately is paramount in ensuring accurate and complete differential diagnosis. Challenges remain in developing models that adequately replicate the forces required to cause retinal hemorrhage in children. Although questions, such as the effect of increased intracranial pressure, hypoxia, and impact, are still raised (particularly in court), clinicians can confidently rely on a large and solid evidence base when assessing the implications of retinal hemorrhage in children with concern of possible child abuse.


American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)


Pediatrics, Perinatology, and Child Health

Reference130 articles.

1. Cerebral hemorrhage in infant, aged eight month: recovery [in French];Aikman;Arch Pediatr,1928

2. Ocular signs and prognosis in subdural and subarachnoid bleeding in young children;Hollenhorst;AMA Arch Ophthalmol,1958

3. Subdural haematoma and effusion in infancy;Till;Br Med J,1968

4. Infantile subdural haematoma and its relationship to whiplash injuries;Guthkelch;Br Med J,1971

5. On the theory and practice of shaking infants;Caffey;Am J Dis Child,1972

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