Reexamination of the Age Limit for Defining When Puberty Is Precocious in Girls in the United States: Implications for Evaluation and Treatment


Kaplowitz Paul B.1,Oberfield Sharon E.2,


1. From the Department of Pediatrics, the Medical College of Virginia of Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia; and the

2. Department of Pediatrics, Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, New York.


In 1997 a study from the Pediatric Research in Office Settings network, based on pubertal staging of >17 000 girls between 3 and 12 years of age, indicated that breast and pubic hair development are occurring significantly earlier than suggested by our current guidelines, especially in African-American girls. In response to this article, the Lawson Wilkins Pediatric Endocrine Society undertook a comprehensive review of this topic. The primary conclusions of this review are:1.  The current recommendation that breast development before age 8 is precocious is based on outdated studies. Until 1997, no data were available on pubertal staging in US girls that could have documented a trend to earlier maturation.2.  The 1997 study indicates that stage 2 of breast and pubic hair development is being achieved ∼1 year earlier in white girls and 2 years earlier in African-American girls than previous studies have shown.3.  Concerns that girls with moderately precocious puberty will be significantly short adults are overstated; most have adult height within the normal range.4.  Therapy with gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists has not been proven to have a substantial effect on adult height in most girls whose puberty starts between 6 and 8 years of age.5.  New guidelines propose that girls with either breast development or pubic hair should be evaluated if this occurs before age 7 in white girls and before age 6 in African-American girls. No changes in the current guidelines for evaluating boys (signs of puberty at younger than 9 years) can be made at this time. normal puberty, breast development, pubic hair.


American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)


Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health

Reference27 articles.

1. Secondary sexual characteristics and menses in young girls seen in office practice: a study from the pediatric research in office settings network.;Herman-Giddens;Pediatrics,1997

2. Clinical work-up for precocious puberty.;Elders;Lancet,1997

3. Variations in the pattern of pubertal changes in girls.;Marshall;Arch Dis Child,1969

4. Individual difference in physical changes associated with adolescence in girls.;Reynolds;Am J Dis Child,1948

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