Health Care of Young Children in Foster Care



Greater numbers of infants and young children with increasingly complicated and serious physical, mental health, and developmental problems are being placed in foster care. All children in foster care need to receive initial health screenings and comprehensive assessments of their medical, mental, dental health, and developmental status. Results of these assessments must be included in the court-approved social services plan and should be linked to the provision of individualized comprehensive care that is continuous and part of a medical home. Pediatricians have an important role in all aspects of the foster care system.


American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)


Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health

Reference61 articles.

1. Simms MD. Foster children and the foster care system. I: History and legal structure. Curr Probl Pediatr.1991;21:297–321

2. The Adoption Assistance Child Welfare Act. Pub L No. 96-272 (1980)

3. Szilagyi M. The pediatrician and the child in foster care. Pediatr Rev.1998;19:39–50

4. US House of Representatives, Subcommittee on Children, Youth, and Families. No Place to Call Home: Discarded Children in America. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office;1989

5. National Commission on Family Foster Care. A Blueprint for Fostering Infants, Children, and Youths in the 1990s. Washington, DC: Child Welfare League of America;1991







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