Childhood Appendicitis: Factors Associated with Perforation


Brender Jean D.1,Marcuse Edgar K.1,Koepsell Thomas D.1,Hatch Edwin I.1


1. From the Department of Epidemiology, University of Washington School of Public Health and Community Medicine; Departments of Pediatrics and Surgery, University of Washington School of Medicine; and Children's Orthopedic Hospital and Medical Center, Seattle


A retrospective study was performed to identify factors associated with perforation in 150 children with acute appendicitis. The children's parents were interviewed about the nature and timing of care, family history of appendicitis, and history of abdominal pain episodes, and the children's medical records were reviewed. Delay in treatment—the interval between first recognized symptoms of abdominal pain and surgery—was most predictive of perforation. A treatment delay of more than 36 hours was associated with a 65% or greater incidence of perforation. Mean delay for the group with perforation of the appendix was 66.7 hours compared with 35.8 hours for the group having appendicitis without perforation (P < .01). Mean professional delay was significantly longer in the group with perforated appendicitis than in the group having appendicitis without perforation (P < .01), but mean parental delay was not. Children aged 1 to 4 years and those aged 5 to 8 years had a 74% and 66% incidence of perforation, respectively, compared with a 30% to 42% incidence in older children (P < .01). Age had a significant effect upon perforation even when adjusted for delay in treatment. Other factors associated with perforation were family history of appendicitis, social class, advice given by the first health professional contacted, and the presence of fecaliths. When all factors were considered simultaneously by using logistic regression techniques, delay in treatment, age, and absence of a family history of appendicitis were all significant predictors of perforation.


American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)


Pediatrics, Perinatology, and Child Health







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