Hemodynamic and Antecedent Risk Factors of Early and Late Periventricular/Intraventricular Hemorrhage in Premature Infants


Osborn David A.1,Evans Nick1,Kluckow Martin2


1. Royal Prince Alfred Hospital Sydney

2. Royal North Shore Hospital, Sydney, NSW, and the University of Sydney, Australia


Objectives. To determine hemodynamic and antecedent risk factors for early and late periventricular/intraventricular hemorrhage (P/IVH) in premature infants. Methods. Two prospective cohort studies of 126 (1995–1996) and 128 (1998–1999) infants born <30 weeks’ gestation. Head ultrasounds were performed at <6 hours of age, and at 7 and 28 days of age. P/IVH was classified as early (present on initial scan) and late (developed subsequently). Echocardiographic measurement of the superior vena cava (SVC) flow was performed at <6, 10, and 24 hours of age. Results. Infants with early P/IVH were significantly more likely to be born by vaginal delivery in both cohorts (1995–1996 adjusted odds ratios [OR]: 13.29; 1998–1999 adjusted OR: 18.15). An association with a 1-minute Apgar ≤4 was only significant in the 1998–1999 cohort (adjusted OR: 9.14). Low SVC flow was the only independent risk factor for late P/IVH in both cohorts (1995–1996 adjusted OR: 20.39; 1998–1999 adjusted OR: 5.16). Adjusted for perinatal risk factors, low SVC flow was associated with lower gestation and higher average mean airway pressure in both cohorts, and with a large diameter ductus diameter only in the 1995–1996 cohort. Conclusions. Early and late P/IVH have distinct and different risk factors. Early P/IVH is associated with vaginal delivery and possibly low Apgar scores. Late P/IVH is associated with antecedent low SVC flow in the first day.


American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)


Pediatrics, Perinatology, and Child Health








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