Achilles tendon rupture prevention in physical activity and sports: predisposition factors


Nikolenko V. N.1,Sankova M. V.2,Khegai A. D.3,Oganesyan M. V.1,Rizaeva N. A.1,Sankov A. V.2,Gridin L. A.4


1. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University); Lomonosov Moscow State University

2. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University)

3. Lomonosov Moscow State University

4. Moscow Center for Health Problems under the Moscow Government


Objective: to summarize all clinically significant factors determining the Achilles tendon predisposition to rupture.Materials and methods: the basis of this scientific-analytical review was the analysis of data from the electronic portals PubMed-NCBI, Google Academy, and “Scientific electronic”.Results: the presented literature review indicates that injuries and ruptures of the Achilles tendon can be provoked by numerous factors, among which genetic predisposition, individual anatomico-morphological features of the tendon complex structure, initial connective tissue failure, pathological changes in the Achilles tendon structure itself, foot and ankle deformities are of great importance. Men are more susceptible to this injury. Tendon injuries are most common either in 30–40 years, or in the period from 60 to 80 years. Professional athletes and people who lead sedentary lifestyles and do not exercise properly are at risk of Achilles tendon ruptures. Concomitant metabolic disorders and use of some medications also play an important role in the predisposition to this injury. Local corticosteroid injections pose a particular tendon rupture risk. The combination of several established factors significantly increases the likelihood of this emergency.Conclusions: early detection of predisposition to Achilles tendon rupture will allow timely development of effective measures for its prevention in physical training and sports.


National Alliance of Medicine and Sports - Healthy Generation


Biochemistry (medical),Rehabilitation,Orthopedics and Sports Medicine

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