Cerebral palsy to cerebral palsy spectrum disorder


Shevell Michael


Words matter. In utilizing language in a medical context, we should strive to communicate succinctly and clearly, conveying both continuity and understanding. This article seeks to put forward the error in continuing to use the term “cerebral palsy,” implying a unitary disease phenomenon, when the heterogeneous nature of this entity is self-evident. In an analogous fashion to that which occurred with autism (another neurodevelopmental disability), the transition in nomenclature to “cerebral palsy spectrum disorder” is put forward for the community's consideration.


Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health)


Neurology (clinical)

Reference21 articles.

1. Shakespeare W . Romeo and Juliet. New York: First Avenue Editions; 2014.

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5. Freud S . Die Infantile Cerebrallhmung. Vienna: Alfred Holder; 1897.

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