Relapsing Autoimmune GFAP Astrocytopathy: Case Report


Chekanova Ekaterina O.ORCID,Shabalina Аlla А.ORCID,Simaniv Taras O.ORCID,Konovalov Rodion N.ORCID,Dobrynina Larisa A.ORCID,Kalashnikova Lyudmila A.ORCID,Gubanova Maria V.ORCID,Zakharova Maria N.ORCID


Introduction. Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) is the main component of intermediate astrocyte filaments. In 2016, anti-GFAP antibodies (Ab) were identified as the specific biomarker for the first established CNS inflammatory disorder subsequently called autoimmune astrocytopathy associated with anti-GFAP Ab (A-GFAP-A). Since GFAP is localized intracellularly, GFAP Ab do not appear to be directly pathogenic though serve as a biomarker of immune inflammation. Although presence of GFAP-Ab in the serum (but not in the CSF) could be observed in various CNS immune-mediated diseases, detection of GFAP-Ab in CSF is only characteristic for A-GFAP-A. A-GFAP-A usually develops after the age of 40 and mostly manifests acutely or subacutely with symptoms of meningoencephalomyelitis or its focal forms. Linear perivascular radial cerebral white matter enhancement is a specific MRI finding of A-GFAP-A. Concomitant neoplasms or autoimmune disorders, as well as co-expression of other antineuronal antibodies are not uncommon in A-GFAP-A. Usually, disease responds well to immunotherapy, and prolonged remission could be achieved, however recurrent disease course and fulminant cases are also described in the literature. In these cases, long-term immunosuppression is required. Data on epidemiology, etiological factors, and precise pathogenesis of A-GFAP-A are still limited. Due to the lack of long-term follow-up data, diagnostic criteria, generally accepted treatment strategies or prognostic risk factors for relapse and outcome of the disease have not yet been established and precised. We present the first description of a case of relapsing A-GFAP-A in Russia and an analysis of the current data on the pathogenesis, clinical features, as well as the diagnostic challenges and treatment approaches for A-GFAP-A.


Research Center of Neurology


Neurology (clinical),Neurology,Cognitive Neuroscience,Neuroscience (miscellaneous),Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience







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