Аpplication of Big Data in laboratory medicine. Russian Journal for Personalized Medicine


Ovchinnikova M. A.1,Zhilenkova Yu. I.2,Chernysh N. Yu.3


1. Almazov National Medical Research Centre

2. Almazov National Medical Research Centre; North-Western State Medical University named after I. I. Mechnikov

3. Almazov National Medical Research Centre; Russian Research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency


The term “big data” (Big Data) refers to data sets, covering the excessive difference in differences between databases in the storage, management and analysis of information. The emergence of big data application algorithms has become the consumption of resources that use  resource resources for information processing and computer calculations for the purpose of  big data for statistical processing, analysis, forecasting and decision making. In laboratory  practice, with a large amount of practical digital information, the use of big data is not currently widespread. The purpose of this work is to conduct a retrospective review of the literature  on the use of big data in the field of laboratory medicine in the period 2018–2023. and evaluating the results of practical developments, benefits and achievements associated with big data  analytics in the field of laboratory.


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