Analysis of risk factors for cardiovascular diseases in migrant workers with acute coronary syndrome


Shchepetin N. V.1,Orlova N. V.1ORCID,Fedulaev Yu. N.1ORCID,Arakelov S. E.2ORCID,Titova I. Yu.3ORCID


1. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University

2. Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba; City Clinical Hospital № 13

3. City Clinical Hospital № 13


The flow of labor migrants to Russia is steadily growing. The rules for providing medical care to foreign citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation depend on their status. Among the morbidity of migrant workers, infectious diseases, venereal diseases, tuberculosis, injuries, intoxication are leading. This increases the risks to the health of Russians, and also puts an economic burden on the healthcare system of the Russian Federation. The purpose of our study was to study risk factors in migrant workers hospitalized with acute coronary syndrome. The study included 50 migrant workers and 107 Russian citizens hospitalized with acute coronary syndrome. Analysis of risk factors for cardiovascular diseases revealed that in migrant labor patients, the development of acute coronary syndrome occurred at a younger age. There were significantly more smokers among migrant labor patients, they had a lower body mass index, type 2 diabetes mellitus and a previous acute myocardial infarction were significantly less common in the anamnesis. Analysis of clinical and laboratory data of patients hospitalized with acute coronary syndrome revealed that the main risk factors for cardiovascular diseases among migrant workers are smoking and lipid metabolism disorders.


Alfmed LLC


Materials Chemistry,Economics and Econometrics,Media Technology,Forestry

Reference8 articles.

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5. Federal Law of 01.07.2021 No. 274-FZ On Amendments to the Federal Law «On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation» and the Federal Law «On State Fingerprint Registration in the Russian Federation».







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