Problem of participation ofpatients with cardio-vascular diseases in cardiac rehabilitation programs. How necessary is it?


Kakuchaya T. T.1ORCID,Kuular A. M.1ORCID,Kazimov S. V.2ORCID


1. National Medical Research Centre for Cardiovascular Surgery n. a. A. N. Bakulev

2. Rehabilitation Centre ‘Medscan’


   Currently, it is promising to study the effect of cardiorehabilitation on the risk of cardiovascular events, re-hospitalization and mortality in patients with cardiovascular diseases, namely in adult patients with myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, who underwent coronary artery bypass grafting and percutaneous coronary interventions. It was found that the number of attendances at cardiorehabilitation sessions affects mortality from cardiovascular diseases. In different countries, there is a problem of low patient adherence to outpatient clinics and cardiorehabilitation courses, which depends on many factors. This article discusses the participation of patients with cardiovascular diseases in cardiorehabilitation programs and the search for new approaches to activate the attendance of cardiorehabilitation courses. One of the relatively new methods is the use of a mobile phone with an appropriate application to increase motivation for physical training, which, in addition to clinical significance, can also become cost-effective for patients. In general, cardiorehabilitation programs should not be episodic events, because phasing and continuity are important conditions for the success and effectiveness of such programs. The main goal of any preventive intervention is to develop stable stereotypes of desirable behavior (useful habits) that will remain with the patient for life.


Alfmed LLC


Materials Chemistry,Economics and Econometrics,Media Technology,Forestry

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