The role of endoscopic draining in the treatment of mechanical jaundice of different etiology on the background of chronic opistorchiasis


Merzlikin N. V.1ORCID,Komkova T. B.1ORCID,Tskhay V. F.1ORCID,Podgornov V. F.1,Bushlanov P. S.1ORCID,Petrov L. Yu.1ORCID,Soloviev M. M.1ORCID,Tolkaeva M. V.1ORCID,Sled N. Yu.2ORCID


1. Siberian State Medical University

2. Krasnoyarsk Inter-regional Clinical Hospital No. 20


Purpose of the study: to conduct a comparative analysis of endoscopic retrograde transpapillary interventions in patients with chronic opisthorchiasis and obstructive jaundice of various etiologies.Material and Methods. The results of treatment of 129 patients with chronic opisthorchiasis and obstructive jaundice of various etiologies who underwent transpapillary interventions to correct bile duct, were analyzed. In order to assess the condition of patients, general clinical methods and a set of laboratory and instrumental methods were used. The study was carried out in two groups, in the first endoscopic drainage of the bile ducts was carried out, in the second – either endoscopic papillosphincterotomy with choledocholitholite extraction, or endoscopic papillosphincterotomy with bougienage of the ducts. Each group of patients was divided into subgroups according to nosology: 1 – diseases of the biliary tract; 2 – oncological diseases of the hepatopancreatic zone; 3 – pancreatitis. Laboratory indicators before and after the application of minimally invasive interventions were compared.Results. The use of various methods of transpapillary interventions normalizes indicators of bilirubin, and aminotransferases in patients by 5–10 days. Endoscopic stenting of the ducts was the method of choice with cancers of the parasitic organs. With concomitant choledocholithiasis, the endoscopic papillosphincterotomy technique with subsequent lithotripsy and lithoextraction were used. Draining operations showed a good efficacy in the treatment of jaundice in the case of impossibility of removing the calculus. Endoscopic papillosphincterotomy with ductal bougienage was the operation of choice for streak tours of the common bile duct. With purulent cholangitis, endoscopic papillotomy with the installation of nasobiliary drainage and subsequent sanitation of the bile ducts was used.Conclusion. The use of endoscopic drainage has proven itself well in patients with obstructive jaundice of tumor etiology, as well as in patients with choledocholithiasis when it is impossible to remove the calculus. This surgery allows for quick normalization of the bilirubin level.


Research Institute of Microsurgery

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