Influence of the Meridional Shifts of the Kuroshio and the Oyashio Extensions on the Atmospheric Circulation


Frankignoul Claude1,Sennéchael Nathalie1,Kwon Young-Oh2,Alexander Michael A.3


1. LOCEAN/IPSL, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France

2. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts

3. NOAA/ESRL, Boulder, Colorado


Abstract The meridional shifts of the Oyashio Extension (OE) and of the Kuroshio Extension (KE), as derived from high-resolution monthly sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies in 1982–2008 and historical temperature profiles in 1979–2007, respectively, are shown based on lagged regression analysis to significantly influence the large-scale atmospheric circulation. The signals are independent from the ENSO teleconnections, which were removed by seasonally varying, asymmetric regression onto the first three principal components of the tropical Pacific SST anomalies. The response to the meridional shifts of the OE front is equivalent barotropic and broadly resembles the North Pacific Oscillation/western Pacific pattern in a positive phase for a northward frontal displacement. The response may reach 35 m at 250 hPa for a typical OE shift, a strong sensitivity since the associated SST anomaly is 0.5 K. However, the amplitude, but not the pattern or statistical significance, strongly depends on the lag and an assumed 2-month atmospheric response time. The response is stronger during fall and winter and when the front is displaced southward. The response to the northward KE shifts primarily consists of a high centered in the northwestern North Pacific and hemispheric teleconnections. The response is also equivalent barotropic, except near Kamchatka, where it tilts slightly westward with height. The typical amplitude is half as large as that associated with OE shifts.


American Meteorological Society


Atmospheric Science

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