Calcium/Calmodulin-Dependent Protein Kinase II Activity Persists During Chronic β-Adrenoceptor Blockade in Experimental and Human Heart Failure


Dewenter Matthias1,Neef Stefan1,Vettel Christiane1,Lämmle Simon1,Beushausen Christina1,Zelarayan Laura C.1,Katz Sylvia1,von der Lieth Albert1,Meyer-Roxlau Stefanie1,Weber Silvio1,Wieland Thomas1,Sossalla Samuel1,Backs Johannes1,Brown Joan H.1,Maier Lars S.1,El-Armouche Ali1


1. From the Institute of Pharmacology (M.D., C.B., L.C.Z.) and Department of Cardiology and Pneumology (S.S.), University Medical Center Göttingen (UMG) Heart Center, Georg August University Medical School Göttingen, Germany; Department Molecular Cardiology and Epigenetics, Heidelberg University, Germany (M.D., S.K., A.v.d.L., J.B.); DZHK (German Centre for Cardiovascular Research), Partner Sites Heidelberg/Mannheim and Göttingen, Germany (M.D., C.V., C.B., L.C.Z., S.K., A.v.d.L., T.W., S.S., J.B.);...


Background— Considerable evidence suggests that calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) overactivity plays a crucial role in the pathophysiology of heart failure (HF), a condition characterized by excessive β-adrenoceptor (β-AR) stimulation. Recent studies indicate a significant cross talk between β-AR signaling and CaMKII activation presenting CaMKII as a possible downstream mediator of detrimental β-AR signaling in HF. In this study, we investigated the effect of chronic β-AR blocker treatment on CaMKII activity in human and experimental HF. Methods and Results— Immunoblot analysis of myocardium from end-stage HF patients (n=12) and non-HF subjects undergoing cardiac surgery (n=12) treated with β-AR blockers revealed no difference in CaMKII activity when compared with non–β-AR blocker–treated patients. CaMKII activity was judged by analysis of CaMKII expression, autophosphorylation, and oxidation and by investigating the phosphorylation status of CaMKII downstream targets. To further evaluate these findings, CaMKIIδ C transgenic mice were treated with the β 1 -AR blocker metoprolol (270 mg/kg*d). Metoprolol significantly reduced transgene-associated mortality (n≥29; P <0.001), attenuated the development of cardiac hypertrophy (−14±6% heart weight/tibia length; P <0.05), and strongly reduced ventricular arrhythmias (−70±22% premature ventricular contractions; P <0.05). On a molecular level, metoprolol expectedly decreased protein kinase A–dependent phospholamban and ryanodine receptor 2 phosphorylation (−42±9% for P-phospholamban-S16 and −22±7% for P-ryanodine receptor 2-S2808; P <0.05). However, this was paralled neither by a reduction in CaMKII autophosphorylation, oxidation, and substrate binding nor a change in the phosphorylation of CaMKII downstream target proteins (n≥11). The lack of CaMKII modulation by β-AR blocker treatment was confirmed in healthy wild-type mice receiving metoprolol. Conclusions— Chronic β-AR blocker therapy in patients and in a mouse model of CaMKII-induced HF is not associated with a change in CaMKII activity. Thus, our data suggest that the molecular effects of β-AR blockers are not based on a modulation of CaMKII. Directly targeting CaMKII may, therefore, further improve HF therapy in addition to β-AR blockade.


Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health)


Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine

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